If you are getting divorced, financial stability in the aftermath of your split can be a top concern for you. After all, you will have to support your own household without the help or contributions from a spouse, and you will have to divide your marital assets with your spouse.

In light of these financial changes, you may be wondering whether you will be in a position to collect spousal maintenance or alimony. Because this type of support is not awarded in every divorce, it can be difficult to know what to expect with regard to when alimony may be awarded.

Factors that can strengthen a case for alimony

Numerous factors may be considered when it comes to assessing a need for alimony, be it in the form of periodic payments or a lump sum. Some of these factors include:

  1. Being at a financial disadvantage after the divorce
  2. Being married for longer than 10 years
  3. Being unemployed as a result of staying home to raise your kids
  4. The amount of training and/or education that is needed to help you become gainfully employed
  5. Marital misconduct on the part of your ex

Understand that while all of these items can work in your favor if you are requesting alimony, there are no guarantees when it comes to spousal maintenance. It is not awarded in every case, and there are no precise calculations or guidelines that dictate whether someone will receive maintenance.

Building your case for support

To build a case for alimony, you would be wise to consider the above-mentioned factors and act fast.

In some cases, you can resolve alimony issues in your prenuptial agreement or through mediation. In other cases, you will have to make your case in court. No matter how you request or settle on alimony, it can be important to be prepared and present a strong case from the beginning.

Requesting alimony can be a contentious, emotional process, especially when spouses are in the midst of a divorce. It can also be confusing and frustrating when you are unfamiliar with the legal process and the specifics of spousal maintenance laws. As such, you would be wise to consult an experienced attorney if you have questions or concerns regarding alimony.