As you approach your wedding day, you may contemplate the many steps you can take to protect your future. For example, a prenuptial agreement can go a long way in protecting both individuals’ assets in the event of a divorce.

While there are many benefits to creating a prenuptial agreement, doing so can be a challenge. Your future spouse may not necessarily be on the same page as you are regarding the necessity of drafting a prenup.

Here are some tips you can follow when asking for a prenuptial agreement without angering your partner:

  • Never issue demands. When you tell your partner to sign a prenuptial agreement, as opposed to asking him or her, you’re entering dangerous territory. The person may feel threatened, which could result in them “shutting down” and not wanting to discuss the matter any further.
  • Talk about your fears. If you’re going to ask for a prenuptial agreement, you should have a clear idea of the protections it offers. Tell your partner about your concerns, and why you think a prenuptial agreement can help alleviate these.
  • Explain the benefits. You may be clear on the benefits of a prenuptial agreement, but that doesn’t necessarily mean your partner feels the same. You should explain the benefits to the both of you, so that he or she understands the protections go both ways.
  • Remain calm. There may be times when you feel like losing your cool, but doing so will only complicate an already delicate matter. Keep your demeanor calm as you discuss the details, as this makes it much easier to move forward in the process.
  • Give yourself plenty of time. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is attempting to create a prenuptial agreement a few weeks (or days) before your wedding. With so much on your mind, you may not have the necessary time to devote to this process. Get started as soon as possible, as this gives you time to work through the details and revise your agreement.

When you ask for a prenuptial agreement without angering your partner, you’ll come to find that it’s much easier to carry out the conversation and end up in a better place.