Many divorcing spouses have obstacles to overcome, particularly when children are involved. Each Alabama parent has the opportunity to gain child custody. While many parents fight for full custody, it has become apparent that shared custody may be in the best interest of the children.

When a couple decides to divorce, they may agree that the best thing for their children is co-parenting with shared custody. However, there may be those who feel that joint custody never works out and that it’s best to file for full custody. On the contrary, as long as there has been no abuse or violence, the best situation for the children may be to have equal time with both of their parents through shared parenting. This is similar to joint custody, but there are differences.

Under shared parenting, both parents equally have the right to time with their kids and also to make decisions for the kids. These decisions usually involve education and health care among other items. A professor with Wake Forest University stated that kids who are in a shared parenting environment tend to excel emotionally and academically. In regard to parents, they apparently argue less and are in a happier place.

Alabama couples could consider working out a shared child custody agreement. This is usually healthier for the children and also the parents, unless there is a dangerous circumstance preventing it. Parents can typically reach an agreement without even going through courtroom litigation. Parents can benefit themselves and their children by exploring their legal options on shared parenting or joint custody.

Source:, “Ask Mr. Dad: When it comes to divorce, sharing is caring”, Armin Brott,